In FREEDOM, Franz Wassermann addresses the myth of the struggle for freedom using the example of Tyrolean history. The artist locates a two-piece installation in the public space of Innsbruck at the foreyard of Church St. Jakob. The first part of the installation consists of a vast number of wooden crosses which are gathered in the park in front of the church to give the impression of a burial site. On these crosses three slogans are presented in seven different languages: "My body does not belong to me.", "My body is a weapon." and "My body is the battlefield.". The second part of the installation consists of a number of flags that are displayed at the frontages of the several foreyard buildings. The flags show the portrait of a man wearing a pin-striped suit. His eyes are covered by a white bar in which the three slogans are repeated. Following this presentation in public space, FREEDOM has been shown in several exhibitions.

photos: Hannes Schlosser